6 Organizations Mapped
1 Individual Mapped
4 KAICIID Fellows Mapped
- Individuals in IRD
Who is Who in Interreligious Dialogue Directory
KAICIID’s Who is Who in Interreligious Dialogue online directory is a detailed and fully searchable listing of individuals active and expert in the field of IRD.
Who is Who in Interreligious Dialogue
Discover individuals from KAICIID’s online directory Who is Who in Interreligious Dialogue on the map.
Find IRD initiatives KAICIID Fellows are heading around world on the map. To see the detailed directory with full biographies of the Fellows please follow this link KAICIID Fellows – KAICIID
- Directory of IRD Organizations
International IRD Directory
International Directory displays the breadth of interreligious dialogue (IRD) activities promoted by international organizations. You can search for organizations engaged in IRD activities with international outreach.
National IRD Directory
National Directory displays the breadth of interreligious dialogue (IRD) activities promoted by national organizations. Following the KAICIID Strategic Framework, the national Directory is currently gathering data on three conflict situations for the following focus areas:
Regional IRD Directory
Regional Directory displays the breadth of interreligious dialogue (IRD) activities promoted by regional organisations.Youth IRD Directory
Youth Directory displays the breadth of interreligious dialogue (IRD) activities promoted by youth organisations.
- Types of Organizations
Types of Organizations
The IRD Directory lists the following types of organizations:
Governmental Organizations:
National and international governmental Organizations such as ministries, municipalities, state founded and funded organizations, etc.
Non-Governmental and Other Organizations:
NGO, FBO, Religious, Foundations, Commercial Enterprises, etc.
Research Institutions:
Universities, Educational Institutions, Think Tanks, etc.
Informal Entities:
Facebook groups, networks, conferences, community groups, etc.
Use the menu to limit your search to certain types of organizations.
- Areas and Forms of Action
Filter the organizations according to the activities they are involved in:
Combine your selection of Area of Action with concrete Form of Action to further refine your query. Please note that one Area of Action can only combined with one Form of Action.
Area of Actions
- --No Selection--
- Children and Youth
- Confessional, Spiritual and/or Religious Activities
- Conflict Prevention
- Conflict Resolution and Transformation
- Democracy, Social Cohesion and Citizenship
- Diversity and Pluralism
- Environment
- Freedom of Expression
- Freedom of Movement
- Freedom of Religion or Belief
- Freedom of thought and conscience
- Humanitarian Aid
- Inter-Civilizational Dialogue
- Inter-Convictional Dialogue
- Inter-Worldview Dialogue
- Intercultural Dialogue
- Interreligious Dialogue
- Intrareligious Dialogue
- Migration of IDPs
- Migration of Migrants
- Migration of Refugees
- Minority Rights
- Peace and Reconciliation
- Shared Human Values
- Women's Rights