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Grace Wanja Kamau

  • Christian
  • Kenya
  • Female
  • Kenya
  • East Africa
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

Assistant Youth Programme, Scout

Grace Kamau currently works at the World Scout Bureau Africa Support Centre in the assistant youth programme, where she supports in implementation of the Better World framework.

These are global and regional programmes and initiatives in scouting that focus on community development. A key programme in this framework is the Dialogue for Peace Programme. The programme was developed in partnership with KAICIID to enable scouts to better understand the principles of dialogue and incorporate them in their daily lives and activities. Grace supports dialogue through training of scouts, engaging in community actions that promote dialogue and supporting and documenting community grassroots actions being done by scouts.

She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Kenyatta University. It was during her studies that she got involved in community work through her university scout group. Through it she pushed the efforts of the organization to counter radicalisation and violent extremism among the vulnerable youth in their communities. For her, the world in which we live is very diverse, and through dialogue, the sscouts learn to find similarities unnoticed before, and even come to respect and appreciate differences as a way of promoting cohesion.

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

Setting the Journey to Dialogical Youth