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International Interfaith Centre, Oxford

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

    • 27 Ouseley Close, Marston OX3 0JS

    • 102 Church Rd, Steep, BU32 2DD, Petersfield, UK
      17 Courtiers Green, Clifton Hampden, OX14 3EN, Abingdon, UK
  • iicao

  • English
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Promote research and ways of developing interreligious understanding and cooperation.


The International Interfaith Centre was inaugurated in Oxford, UK on 6 December 1993, at the end of the 1993 Year of Interreligious Understanding and Cooperation.

IRD Activities

  • Lectures

    Over the years, the IIC invited many distinguished speakers from around the world to give lectures on a variety of faith- and interfaith related topics

  • International Interfaith Organisations Network Meeting

    A meeting of representatives of twelve leading international interfaith organisations to share interfaith knowledge

  • E-Learning

    An introductory course on interfaith is available online. This course was developed by the IIC in partnership with some of the member organisations of the International Interfaith Organisations Network

  • Oxford Directory of Interfaith

    The IIC publishes the 'Directory of Faith Communities in Oxford.' This Directory includes communities of both the six major world religions, as well as other religious and faith groups, including humanists and pagans.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    UK - UK - World - World