4th European Policy Dialogue Forum
Under the theme “Social Inclusion in Cities – Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships to Bring Communities into Dialogue”, the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID), the Blanquerna Observatory for Media, Culture and Religion, the European Council for Religious Leaders (ECRL/RfP Europe), the Higher Institute for Religious Sciences of Barcelona (ISCREB) and the KAICIID-supported “Network for Dialogue” will jointly host the “4th European Policy Dialogue Forum” in Castelldefels / Barcelona. The forum is supported by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).
Once every year, this unique event serves as a platform for civil society actors, policymakers, representatives of faith-based organizations and academic experts who come together to discuss the most pressing issues related to the inclusion of refugees and migrants across Europe. The 4th edition of the forum will be attended by more than 100 participants from over 30 different countries.
Read more here: Conference in Barcelona to Address Social Inclusion And Role of Media in Countering Hate Speech in European Cities