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United States Institute of Peace

  • Governmental Organisations

    • 1200 17th Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036, USA
  • usip

  • English
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Prevent, mitigate and resolve violent conflicts around the world by engaging directly in conflict zones and providing analysis, education and resources to those working for peace.


The United States Institute of Peace Act, passed by the Congress and signed into law in 1984, established the Institute as a publicly funded national institution. The campaign to establish an Institute had begun a decade earlier, when the idea of a national peace academy was first brought to the Senate floor following recommendations by a commission appointed by President Jimmy Carter and chaired by Senator Spark Matsunaga. The legislation establishing the United States Institute of Peace was formally signed in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan.

IRD Activities

  • Religion and Peacemaking

    Religion is an important component in many conflict zones and a powerful tool for preventing violence. USIP has been a pioneer in religion and peacemaking, seeking new ways to combat violent extremism across all beliefs, e.g. through workshops focusing on objectives, methods, and best practices of interfaith dialogue, a form of facilitation increasingly recognised for its relevance to 21st Century conflict.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Pakistan - Iraq - Myanmar - Nigeria - USA