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Catholic University of Temuco School of Religious Sciences and Philosophy

  • Research Institutions

  • Christianity
  • Catholic Universidad Cat�lica de Temuco Facultad de Ciencias Religiosas y Filosof�a

    • Manuel Montt 56 Temuco, Chile
  • www.uctemuco.cl

  • Spanish
  • Show


The Catholic University of Temuco aims to contribute to cultural and interreligious dialogue from an academic perspective through teaching, research, and maintaining a close connection with the region.


The Catholic University of Temuco was founded on September 8, 1959, within the framework of the discussion of the "University Reform" at the national level and the concept of "Headquarters Regional ". It was then formalized in 1972 by the Honorable Superior Council of the Pontifical Catholic University. The University became independent from the Pontifical Catholic University in 1991 and ever since then belongs to the Council of Rectors. Currently, the Catholic University of Temuco has a 5-year accreditation (2019-2024) in the areas of undergraduate teaching, institutional management, research, and links with the environment. It has more than 50 undergraduate programs, 15 master's programs, 3 postgraduate degrees and also offers various diplomas which are oriented to the needs of the territory. In 2019, the University reached a student body of more than 11,000 undergraduate students.

IRD Activities

  • . Diploma in Interreligious and Intercultural Study, hosted online with participants from all parts of the country and with professors from other Latin-American countries, Temuco, Chile

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities
