The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation
The priority areas for action of the Three Cultures Foundation come from the Declaration of Barcelona; namely political and economic areas and cultural and social sectors. In addition, the Foundation has been working in the field of immigration. This issue was also included among its areas for action due to its paramount importance among the objectives of the 2005 Barcelona Summit. In short, the Three Cultures Foundation is conceived as a unique instrument for supporting the spirit of creating new horizons for the Mediterranean Basin countries. These new horizons would involve the establishment of peace, stability and progress areas on both sides of a Sea which has been the cradle of multiple civilizations.
In 1998, the Kingdom of Morocco along with the Junta de Andaluc�a (Regional Autonomous Government of Andalusia) decided to create a forum to promote an encounter among Mediterranean peoples and cultures, based upon peace, dialogue and tolerance principles. Subsequently, the Peres Center for Peace, the Palestinian National Authority and other committed to peace individuals and institutions from Israel and Palestine joined the initiative.
IRD Activities
. World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace, Brussels, Belgium
Main Focus Countries of Activities