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Dr. Amjad Abu El Ezz

  • Muslim
  • State of Palestine
  • Male
  • State of Palestine
  • Western Asia
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

Instructor at the Holy Najaf seminary, Iraq

Dr. Amjad Abu el Ezz has been involved with the international development and politics both professionally on a diplomatic and journalistic level, and academically for the last decade. He holds a PhD from Durham University and his area of expertise covers European Union policy, examining how the EU develops its foreign policy towards the Middle East and North Africa. His thesis examines how the EU develops its foreign policy towards the Palestinians, with what objectives, through what mechanisms and with what impact. As a political scientist he has intentionally committed himself to producing both world class academic research outputs as well as to disseminating research-based analytical writings to the global policy-making community.

Dr. Amjad has been teaching European studies at An-Najah University in Palestine after spending more 10 years in London where he has completed his PhD. Since 2015. Before joining an-Najah, he worked for the British American Security Information Council (BASIC) as an international consultant and Gulf director. BASIC worked in both nuclear weapon and non-nuclear weapon states, with a focus on the UK, US, Europe and the Middle East. His tasks include ensuring the effectiveness of BASIC’s growing programme in the Gulf. He travelled around the region in establishing working relationships with a number of think-tanks, academics and government agencies.

Between 2011-2013 he worked for the United Arab Emirates embassy in London as a researcher, political, educational and media analyst. His tasks consisted in analysing UK and EU Foreign Policies towards the MENA region and the Gulf. Successfully he has applied his media experience in the theatre of media and community.

Dr. Abu el Ezz Is interested in interfaith dialogue and his is in the process of organising international conference on the Christian minorities in Palestine.

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

A Coalition og Palestinian Religious Scholars: From the “Pact of Umar” to “The Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together”.