Dialogue Institute and Journal of Ecumenical Studies
Advance intrareligious, interreligious, and intercultural dialogue and engagement around the world, by supporting scholarship, training, and action; promote the principle that dialogue flourishes through interpersonal relationships grounded in trust, mutual respect, and a common search for understanding; teach the skills of critical thinking and deep dialogue that develop the capacity to reconcile differences, such that a healthy civic society can create a quality of life for all citizens in a community, through both political and nonpolitical processes.
In 1978, as a companion arm to the Journal of Ecumenical Studies, the “Institute for Interreligious, Intercultural Dialogue” was established with the first International Scholars' Abrahamic Trialogue. This work evolved into the establishment of a “Global Dialogue Institute.” Thirty years later, in 2008, The Dialogue Institute emerged as the collective embodiment of these pioneering efforts in interreligious dialogue.
IRD Activities
- Dialogue Training
The DI offers customized training - in Philadelphia and around the world - in the philosophies and methodologies of interreligious, intercultural, interideological dialogue for religious and community-based groups, students, scholars, professionals, and others. Trainings and workshops of varying lengths afford participants hands-on learning and practice in dialogue, using Leonard Swidler's Dialogue Principles as a basis
- Asia Interreligious Development Network
The DI, in partnership with Hong Kong Baptist University, launched the Asia Interreligious Development Network (AIDN) in December of 2014. The overall goal of AIDN to build an effective network of academics and practitioners from across Asia who work in the area of interreligious dialogue, in order to develop and share best practices in the field
- Middle Eastern Dialogue Symposia
Since 2008, the DI has been collaborating with the Western Studies Institute in Saudi Arabia to hold ongoing seminars in Philadelphia related to interreligious studies and dialogue
- Interreligious Dialogue Study at Temple University
In partnership with the Temple University Department of Religion, the DI offers graduate courses and opportunity for independent study in the area of Interreligious Dialogue. Graduate student interns and associates from many contexts contribute original research and produce new resources to further interreligious understanding and action. Emphasis on global ethics and interdisciplinary involvement with scholars and practitioners in business, science, medicine, art, and communications enable the Dialogue Institute to train a new generation of scholars in the field
- Bumuntu Peace Institute
The Bumuntu Peace Institute, based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, was established in the summer of 2010 by DI Founder and President, Leonard Swidler, DI Board member Harry Halloran and Professor Mutombo Nkulu-N’Sengha as an African extension and functioning under the auspices of the DI. BPI's vision is to bring a lasting peace to a war-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo through education, dialogue (interreligious, intercultural and inter-ethnic) and sustainable development. In so doing, the Institute deals with the root causes of violence: religious tensions, ethnic conflicts, beliefs in witchcraft, religious fundamentalism, lack of quality education, abuse and disempowerment of women, lack of respect for human rights, and poverty.
Main Focus Countries of Activities
Philadelphia, PA, USA - Thailand - Malaysia - Japan - China - Indonesia - South-Western Asia - South-Eastern Asia - North-Western Asia - Eastern Asia - Southern Asia - Central Asia - Philadelphia, PA, USA - Philadelphia, PA, USA - Democratic Republic of the Congo