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World Interfaith Harmony Week

The World Interfaith Harmony Week seeks to spread the message of harmony and tolerance among the followers of all the world’s religions, faiths and beliefs. It seeks to do this by promoting their common basis of “Love of God and Love of the Neighbor, or Love of the Good and Love of the Neighbor”. Its message invites everyone, excludes no one, and is purely voluntary.

From 1 – 7 February of each year, the World Interfaith Harmony Week provides a platform for interfaith groups and other groups of goodwill to show the world the thousands of events they organized and which often go unnoticed.  During the Harmony Week those groups are given the opportunity to become aware of each other, seeing others efforts and building ties.



Organizer :
UN sponsored - various organisations around the globe
International event
Last Event
2024, February 1-7 - events around the Globe
Next event
2025, February 1-7 - events around the Globe
Visit Conference’s Website
World Interfaith Harmony Week
