Dialogue Voices
The Dialogue Voices are personal accounts of interreligious commitment and experience. They show approaches to, and forms of, interreligious dialogue, and its impact and context on a local, national, or global level. They represent a cross-section of dialogue experiences and its impact worldwide.
Interfaith gatherings in India
Sraddhalu Ranade speaks about his first interfaith experience and his view on the current state of interfaith dialogue.
Sri Aurobindo Ashram is a spiritual community located in Pondicherry, India. Sraddhalu Ranade has personally been involved in interfaith dialogue over the past ten years. He credits his involvement in interfaith dialogue thanks to the Global Peace Initiative of Women. Sraddhalu Ranade explains the different biases he perceives in today’s interfaith dialogue. He also speaks about the importance of attending interfaith gatherings because they have taught him to appreciate the depths of other religious traditions.

Safe drinking water initiative – engaging many faiths in India
Shadvi B. Saraswati speaks about the deadly cost of lack of water sanitation and hygiene in many parts of the world. She also stressed the importance of religious leaders focusing on projects and programs rather than just focusing on words and values.
Global Interfaith WASH Alliance is the world’s first initiative that is engaging the planet’s many faiths as allies in efforts to create a world where every human being has access to safe drinking water, improved sanitation and proper hygiene. Shadvi B. Saraswati explains that more people suffer and die from lack of water sanitation and hygiene than from almost all forms of violence combined. In addition to their interfaith work, Global Interfaith WASH Alliance is heavily focused on creating the conditions for people to be able to access to safe drinking water.