Arab-West Foundation
Encourage and promote tolerance, understanding and dialogue between Muslim and non-Muslim communities and societies as well as the Arab and Western Worlds.
Established in 2005 as a non-profit organisation, the Arab-West Foundation is registered in the Netherlands as Stichting Arab-West Foundation.
IRD Activities
- Academic Tours in Egypt
International study programmes aimed at intercultural dialogue and understanding. AWF organises conferences, study visits and other activities to create a better awareness of the need for intercultural understanding, including contemporary Arab-West and Muslim-Christian relations
- One Hand - The Movie
The documentary is a gripping and revealing exposure on Muslim-Christian relations in revolutionary Egypt. AWF and its sister organisations in Cairo helped in the production of, and facilitation of interviews for, the documentary
- Cultural Training
The aim of the programme was to help participants discover different aspects of Egyptian culture more deeply, and to provide them with opportunities to reflect upon their experiences of their intercultural encounters.
Main Focus Countries of Activities
Egypt - Netherlands - Egypt - Netherlands - Egypt - Netherlands