34 organizations matching your criteria.


  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

  • Christianity (Lutheran)

    • Areopagos-Denmark, Peter Bangs Vej 1, Indgang 5, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark

    • Areopagos-Norway, PB 6763 St. Olavs pl, 0130 Oslo, Norway
      Kirkelig Dialogsenter Oslo, Olaf Ryes Plass 7, 0361 Oslo, Norway
      Kirkelig Dialogsenter Bergen, Bryggen 13, 5003 Bergen, Norway
      Kirkelig Dialogsenter Stavanger, c/o Reme, Tinngata 30, 4014 Stavanger, Norway
  • dansk

  • Danish, Norwegian
  • Show


Share the gospel in a religiously diverse and secularized world; encourage people to understand and experience God's vulnerable love in Christ through Areopagos' work in Scandinavia, China and Hong Kong; create meeting places, strengthen networks and promote work characterized by Christian specialization and respect for other people's experiences of spirituality.


Areopagos was as an independent Nordic mission organization under the name of ‘The Nordic Christian Buddhist Mission' founded on the initiative of Kalle Reichelt. The mission established in 1995 the ‘Foundation The Nordic Christian Buddhist Mission'. The Foundation changed its name in 2000 to ‘Areopagos'.

IRD Activities

  • Dialogue Work in Denmark

    Organization of different dialogue events in Aarhus and Copenhagen, support to church congregations to relate to religious diversity, participation in alternative fairs across the country, support and sponsoring of the websites religion.dk and kristendom.dk where it is possible to ask questions and engage in dialogue around Christianity and other religions, and publication of the magazine ‘Tørst', which contains a lot of interesting articles concerning dialogue

  • Dialogue Work in Norway-Ecumenical Dialogue Centres

    Areopagos has ecumenical dialogue centres in the cities of Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger. The reason for establishing these centres is the recognition that the major cities in Norway during the last thirty years have changed from relatively homogenous societies to diverse societies. The projects at the centres include dialogue conferences, local dialogue forums, dialogue groups for young adults (Jews, Christians and Muslims), Christian-Buddhist dialogue groups, multi-religious dialogical presence at schools, development of dialogic teaching material, etc.

  • Courses and Lectures

    Areopagos offers courses and lectures in several subjects, such as Christianity, religious dialogue, faith and existential questions

  • Grants

    Areopagos offers grants to people who pursue studies or research on religious dialogue, spirituality and faith practices.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Aarhus, Denmark - Copenhagen, Denmark - Oslo, Norway - Bergen, Norway - Stavanger, Norway - Denmark - Norway - Denmark - Norway