34 organizations matching your criteria.

Asian Conference of Religions for Peace

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

    • Fumon Hall 5th floor, 2-6-1 Wada Suginami-ku, Tokyo 166-0012 Japan
  • religionsforpeaceinternational

  • English


Work with religious communities to develop religious leaders highly skilled in and knowledgeable about leadership in multifaith and plural societies and in addressing the personal and social challenges in a rapidly evolving world through professional pre-service and in-service programmes.


Founded in 1974, Religions for Peace Asia held it first Assembly in 1976 in Singapore. Since then, Assemblies have been held in New Delhi (1981), Seoul (1986), Katmandu (1991), Ayutthaya (1996) in Thailand, Jogjakarta (2002), Manila (2008) and Incheon (2013). The last Assembly met in Incehon in August 2013 under the theme ‘Unity and Harmony in Asia', with the participation of almost 400 people as delegates and observers belonging to all the principal religions of Asia – Buddhist, Baha'i, Christian, Confucian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Shinto, Sikh, Tao, Zoroastrian and others.

IRD Activities

  • Interreligious Dialogue in Conflict Afflicted and Post-Conflict Areas

    ACRP is actively supporting interreligious dialogue in areas such as Mindanao, Southern Thailand, Myanmar and Sri Lanka through the national interreligious bodies, but also through the senior religious leaders that are part of ACRP

  • Workshops and Conferences

    Youth and Women of Faith actively organise workshops and conferences around understanding and respecting people from various religious communities

  • Dialogue between Religious Leaders in the Korean Peninsula

    One of ACRP's great achievements has been to have constant dialogue between the two parties in the Korean Peninsula, by urging religious leaders from both sides to continue the dialogue without any strings attached even when it was dangerous from a political perspective. ACRP continues to support the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to work together, with peace as their top priority.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Thailand - Myanmar - Sri Lanka - n - i - - South Korea - North Korea