34 organizations matching your criteria.

Berlin Mission

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

  • Christianity (Protestant)
  • Berliner Missionswerk

    • Georgenkirchstr. 69/70, 10249 Berlin, Germany
  • berliner-missionswerk

  • English, German
  • Show


Strive to be a living testimony for Jesus Christ and seek to act as agents for justice, peace, the overcoming of violence and for the integrity of creation; support churches and development projects in the Middle East, in Africa, East Asia, Russia, Cuba, North America and Europe; communicate the concerns of its partners in Germany and help shape the ecumenical connections of both its sponsoring churches, the Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz, and the Evangelical Church of Anhalt; promote the alliance between churches to combine our missionary efforts; promote human rights and development to make people stronger; promote church partnerships to learn from one another and share with one another; promote ecumenical learning to expand our view beyond the familiar.


In 1824, prominent evangelical Christians founded in Berlin the „Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Missions among the Heathens“ (or Berlin Mission Society). In West Berlin, Berlin Mission was founded in 1974/75, which incorporated the Berlin Mission Society. Other founding members included the Jerusalemverein (Jerusalem Society, founded in 1851), the German Mission for East Asia (founded in 1882) and the Alliance of Evangelical Churches (formerly Evangelical Church of the Alliance). After Germany's re-unification, the Ecumenical Missionary Centre of East Berlin and Berlin Mission of West Berlin merged to become a single society under the name of Berliner Missionswerk.

IRD Activities

  • Interreligious Dialogue

    The duties of the vicar for interreligious dialogue include 1) promotion of encounters between Christians, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists, Hindus, Baha'is, and others, so that believers of different religions better understand each other, live together respectfully and stand up together for justice and peace, 2) handling of theological key questions (e.g. Christian self-understanding in a multi-religious situation, theology of religions, trinity in dialogue with other religions, theological foundations of Judaism and Islam in its relation to the Christian faith), 3) contact to political and social communities in the context of intercultural and interreligious dialogue, 4) advice, support and training of communities, church groups, religious bodies and institutions such as schools and family education centers in the context of living with people of other religions, 5) development and support of dialogue projects, 6) advise on political and religious background of the Middle East conflict (e.g. the country's significance for Jews, Christians and Muslims, Christian Zionism). Judeo-Christian and Christian-Islamic dialogues are also on the agenda of the Berlin Mission.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities
