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Compostela-Cordoba Association

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

  • Association Compostelle-Cordoue

    • Pranoë 23, 1963, Bramois, Switzerland
  • compostelle-cordoue

  • French
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Promote actions that foster intercultural dialogue.


Founded in spring 2009 in Geneva by pilgrims of Santiago de Compostela, Jerusalem and Mecca, Compostela-Córdoba aims to promote new ways of 'convivencia' (living together). The name refers to two cities with a strong symbolic resonance: Compostela, which represents the values ​​of faithfulness to oneself and openness to the other, and Córdoba, which recalls the fruitful coexistence of the three Abrahamic traditions in the Middle Ages.

IRD Activities

  • Understanding

    In cooperation with partners, the Association organises events, open to all, where scholars and specialists can meet. Some of these events include: Conference of Cordoba in 2010, participation in the East-West Encounters at the Castle of Mercier (Sierre, Switzerland) in 2012, and the Colloquium 'Committed to building peace on both sides of the Mediterranean' in Saint-Maurice (Switzerland) in June 2014

  • Walking

    Inspired by the spirit of Cordoba, example of coexistence between Muslims, Jews, and Christians, the Association organises walks towards meaningful places, either by their sacred nature in one or another culture or by their historical or cultural dimension (from Santiago de Compostela to Cordoba in 2010, pilgrimage to Moulay Abdessalam in Morocco in 2012, etc.).

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Cordoba, Spain - Sierre, Switzerland - Saint-Maurice, Switzerland - Spain - Morocco - Italy