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Cultural Association Tarbut Sefarad

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

  • Judaism
  • Asociación Cultural Tarbut Sefarad

    • C/ Roger de Llúria 44, 6º4, 08009, Barcelona, Spain
  • tarbutsefarad

  • Spanish
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Promote and disseminate Jewish culture; promote the implementation of initiatives that contribute to the development of Jewish culture and foster a greater understanding of Jewish culture.


The first Tarbut initiative saw the light in Lleida in 2006. Following the Specialization Course on Hebrew Thought, organised by the Foundation of the University of Lleida, a group of students and their teachers decided to create an association to promote activities to deepen the knowledge and to disseminate Hebrew culture in Lleida. Tarbut-Friends of the Hebrew Culture in Lleida was founded. In June 2007, the expansion process started and the model of cultural association of Tarbut was exported to other cities in Spain. This movement of local initiatives coincided with the latent interest of a group of people in Barcelona who, for several years, aimed to create a national organisation to offer cultural activities throughout the whole Spanish territory, disseminating Jewish thought and culture. The Cultural Association Tarbut Sefarad was thus born.

IRD Activities

  • Project 'Dialogue between Jews and Christians, Tour throughout Sefarad'

    In 2010, Tarbut Sefarad promoted a project to foster Jewish-Christian dialogue in Spain. As part of this project, a series of conferences were held in cities across the Tarbut Sefarad Cultural Network, by Francisco Javier Fontana and Mario Saban. The project was supported by the Foundation Pluralism and Coexistence. The topic of the conferences was Jewish-Christian dialogue in general and in Spain, the necessary involvement of civil society in these processes and the work developed by several social organisations.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Barcelona, Spain - Lleida, Spain - Pamplona, Spain