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FAITH: Foundation to Advance Interfaith Trust and Harmony

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

    • 8413 Casa Del Lago 18B, Boca Raton, FL 33433-2105, USA

    • 74 Oakleigh Park North, Whetstone, London N20 9AS, UK
  • faithinterfaith

  • English
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Combat interfaith prejudice, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, and Anti-Christianity; Build partnerships of religious organisations on both international and local levels which fight interfaith bigotry; Sponsor dialogues among lay Christians, Muslims and Jews; Develop a declaration of mutual recognition among Muslim, Christian, and Jewish scholars; Produce films and other interfaith media programmes; Train clergy of different faiths to broaden interfaith dialogue and action; Lead interfaith peace missions, study and teaching trips; Create programmes in the Arts which promote interfaith understanding and build peace; Construct youth and adult educational activities which train interfaith leadership for the future.


FAITH US was established in 1995. In 2010 the UK Charity Commission designated FAITH in the UK as Registered Charity Number 1138237.

IRD Activities

  • FAITH Programs 2012 - KickStart Peace

    The overall goal of this program is to lower hatred, reduce despair and increase levels of mutual understanding, for a cooperative joint future for Israelis and Palestinians within Israel. Our vision is for Arab and Jewish teens from the Jerusalem area to play football together, thereby learning about each other's cultures and religions and serving as a personal example of peaceful co-existence. The program will facilitate a multicultural, interreligious experience for a group of Arab and Jewish teenage boys in getting to know each other through competitive sports, building social relationships, and developing trust, tolerance and mutual understanding. Through participation in organized league tournaments and other activities, these teens will help spread the hope and the message of peaceful coexistence to other teams in the league. In addition, they will serve as personal examples in their high school communities and will be the program's best recruiters for future years

  • Interfaith Peace Mission

    Annually, FAITH participates in a trip which embraces people of all faiths, and involves them in discussions about interfaith reconciliation as they experience world travel

  • Muslim/Christian/Jewish Partnership

    The tripartite partnership is among St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Peace and Reconciliation of the Church of England, Liberal Judaism in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and the East London Mosque/London Muslim Centre. Based on successful and well-attended lay dialogues and lectures in 2011, more lay Muslim/Christian/Jewish dialogues were conducted in 2012, all held at the London Muslim Centre, and catered by them. In addition, a scholars’ conference primarily for imams, rabbis, and vicars is being planned. The goal is that mosques will have their own interfaith centres, relating to St. Ethelburga’s and an interfaith centre for interfaith dialogue and action at Liberal Judaism. The partnership will then be a function of all three working together. FAITH initiates and facilitates the programmes in this tripartite relationship, and helps all three institutions raise funds among their constituents.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Israel - Israel - UK