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Foundation for Religious Diplomacy

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

    • 2232 Pheasant Way, Holladay, UT 84121, USA
  • religious-diplomacy

  • English
  • Show


Assist religious and ideological critics and rivals to live in peaceful tension together as they live their religions with full integrity; provide programs for persons of conviction, to honorably engage others of different beliefs in trust-building conversations and activities; work to build trust through honestly facing unresolvable religious or ideological differences in a respectful manner of co-resistance that reflects openness to mutual persuasion never coercion.


The Foundation for Religious Diplomacy is a public charity with 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt status in the United States.

IRD Activities

  • Chapters

    The Foundation incorporates chapters in a variety of religious and secular traditions. These are essentially independently organized chapters which informally represent their communities and constituencies. They function under the leadership of custodians who pursue the best strategies designed for their communities through both intra- as well as inter-religious activities

  • Religious Diplomats

    The Foundation seeks to find and train persons who are religiously bilingual, that is, not only intimately familiar with their own religion, but also highly conversant with the beliefs and practices of at least one other religion. They will become useful independent agents for their own communities when tensions or opportunities for social cooperation arise. Anyone that desires to sit down with a religious rival or opponents in honest conversation can develop the skill and improve their lives

  • Heart and Mind Conferences

    These are conferences that bring together spokespersons for different faiths in a seminar type setting, where the opportunity exists to present papers, but more, to engage in open conversations that share formative experiences varying religious or skeptical points of view. Conferences like this have taken place at the University of Southern California in 2010 with representatives of Mormons and other Abrahamic religious traditions. Another conference took place in 2012 at the Wesley Theological Seminary in Virginia between Mormon and Methodist scholars

  • Documentary Film

    The Foundation co-produced a film that narrated how a person turned from suspicion and contempt of a religious community to trust and good-will without compromising his or her religious integrity. The film is called Us and Them: Religious Rivalry in America and can be purchased online

  • Commitment to Ethical Persuasion

    The Foundation enrolls all religious or ideological groups to adopt a commitment to only employ ethical means of persuasion when advocating their respective beliefs or practices. The following is the declaration of commitment that establishes those ethical standards for honorable religious, ideological, or cultural diplomacy.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    USA - USA - USA - Virtual - USA