34 organizations matching your criteria.


  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

  • Christianity

    • 1870 Rufe Snow Dr., Keller, TX 76248, USA
  • glocal

  • English
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Pursue peace and reconciliation among all people in all places for all things.


Glocal.net was formed as a non-profit organisation to facilitate the global impact began by Pastor Roberts and NorthWood Church.

IRD Activities

  • Multi-Faith

    Glocal.net works with churches to help them relate to people of other faiths and create opportunities for their members to serve the community with those other groups through the domains of society. In every city and community, people of different faiths live and work together. Multifaith is the word to describe creating relationships that respect the faith of others while not asking them to compromise their own faith. It is different than interfaith where some seek to water down the beliefs of all involved to a common level. The 4-step process approach to helps pastors and members engage leaders of other faiths (Connect- Learn- Leverage- Multiplication). Connect- The initial step is to connect with leaders and build relationships. This step takes many forms from coffee meetings to facilitated conversations/ Learn- Learning flows naturally out of proper relationships. It involves understanding a leader's organisation, capabilities, history and vision. The key concept in a multifaith engagement is Hand-Heart-Head. (Hand- working together to improve the lives of those involved and their community/ Heart- by working together for common good, people's hearts are turned toward one another/ Head- based on those relationships, people can begin to have conversations of faith with understanding and respect)/ Leverage- Once working relationships and a track record of success have been established, resources can be leveraged to increase results through large multifaith events, community projects, or city-wide efforts/ Multiplication- Multiplication seeks to replicate the initial success of the group. This may include scaling impact throughout a domain or replicating success models into different domains and relationships

  • Multifaith Events

    Using Glocal.net's extensive multifaith network, Glocal.net brings together leaders of other faiths in each community to meet with the church leadership. These meetings range from introductory gatherings to daylong-facilitated meetings to connect and develop initial relationships. Typically, this event is for senior faith leaders and key domain leaders, or groups focusing on specific opportunities or needs.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    USA - World - USA - World