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Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Austria and Exarchate of Hungary and Middle Europe

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

  • Christianity (Orthodox)
  • Griechisch Orientalische Metropolis von Austria, Exarchat von Ungarn und Mitteleuropa

    • Fleischmarkt 13, 1010 Vienna, Austria

    • Váci u. 55, 1056 Budapest, Hungary
  • metropolisvonaustria

  • German, Greek
  • Show




17 February 1963: Foundation of the Metropolis of Austria, Exarchate of Hungary and Middle Europe by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

IRD Activities

  • Interreligious Representation

    The dialogue between the Christian churches as well as the dialogue between religions is a major concern of the Orthodox Church. The Metropolitan is regularly attending and actively contributing to interreligious dialogue events as well as speaking at interfaith panels. Metropolitan Arsenius has emphasized in his speech at the interfaith conference Com Unity Spirit in Graz the various dialogue initiatives of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople: Already in 1902, the Ecumenical Patriarchate has sent an encyclical to the Orthodox Church and in 1920 to all the Churches of Christ with the invitation to set a focus on and to promote the ecumenical concerns. Metropolitan Arsenius: 'We urgently need dialogue and effective cooperation. We also need in this time of crisis and challenges a practical solidarity'.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Austria - Hungary - Southern Europe - Eastern Europe