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International Foundation for Interreligious and Intercultural Education

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

    • Via Po 9, 00198 Rome, Italy
  • ifiie

  • English
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Promote an awareness of the common values lying behind diversity through its fellowships programmes for individuals who are principally from the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions; support and educate leaders who can bring about better understanding among religious traditions and cultures; encourage these Individuals to follow a study programme which will increase their knowledge of religious traditions different from their own.


IFIIE came into being in 2005 through the efforts of Adalberta Mazzini Bernardini, who has a Doctorate in Early Islam, and her husband, Armando Bernardini, former Vice President of Bristol Myers Squibb in Europe.

IRD Activities

  • Fellowships

    IFIIE grants fellowships to individuals belonging mainly to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam willing to deepen their knowledge and understanding of other religions. Participants supported by fellowships will pursue a study programme which will enable them to become experts in human rights and intercultural dialogue. They will attend courses in academic institutions of their own choice in one of the following selected cities (Amman, Jerusalem and Rome)

  • Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue

    IFIIE's objective is to further the search for common values among members of different cultural and religious backgrounds, in a cross cultural perspective, in the belief that this is the only way to make dialogue both appealing and genuine. In order to reach this goal, IFIIE facilitates international conferences and seminars on topics selected to further the search for positive pluralism and common values. It participates in international projects with other organisations to enhance a broader understanding of dialogue and encounter. IFIIE operates as a Think Thank for advocacy activities in areas such as education and religious issues. In this manner, IFIIE strives to promote an awareness of the common values lying behind diversity.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Amman, Jordan - Jerusalem, Israel - Saudi Arabia - Rome, Italy - Amman, Jordan - Jerusalem, Israel - Saudi Arabia - Rome, Italy