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International Shinto Foundation

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

  • Shintoism
  • インターナショナル・シントウ・ファウンデーション

    • 245 East 58th St, Apt 29F, New York, NY 10022, USA
  • internationalshinto

  • English, Japanese
  • Show


Introduce the qualities of Shinto (Japan's indigenous religion); disseminate Japanese culture; to organise symposiums on Shinto; promote the establishment of Shinto chairs at universities and other institutions; establish an international Shinto library; promote the publication of books on Shinto and produce a comprehensive Shinto dictionary in the English language; offer venues for the discussion of Shinto research; encourage the study of Shinto; produce literature and organise event which will enhance better understanding of Shinto; do any other act or thing incidental to or connected with the foregoing purposes or in advancement thereof, and solicit contributions, receive and maintain fund of real or personal property, or both and subject to the restrictions and limitations hereinafter act forth, use and apply the whole or any part of the income therefrom and the principal thereof exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes.


The International Shinto Foundation was established in 1994 as a voluntary organisation to promote the academic and cultural study of Shinto and to deepen understanding of Shinto internationally, and was certified as a Non-Profit Organisation by the Governor of Tokyo in 2000.

IRD Activities

  • Interfaith

    Modern realities of migration, transportation, communication, globalization, education and intermarriage – among other things – have brought us increasingly closer to “the other.” However, this “closeness” can highlight differences, make for cognitive dissonance, and even create tension. “Interreligious cooperation,” or “interfaith” as it is often simply called, recognizes the common shared values of faith traditions and works to advance a world in which people of faith and goodwill can live together in harmony. Interreligious cooperation is dialogue, education, action, and advocacy that strengthens the capacity of distinct faiths and people to live in harmony. Today, ISF focuses on supporting major institutions championing the positive appropriation of religious diversity and sincere appreciation of unique traditions

  • Shinto Ritual

    ISF lecture is held in both Japanese and English, every other month since 2005. This lecture is to deepen understanding of what is Shinto and to know how much Japanese Culture relates to Shinto. The programme also includes interfaith ceremonies and interfaith prayers.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    USA - USA