34 organizations matching your criteria.

Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Governmental Organisations

  • Islam
  • المنظمة الإسلامية للتربية والعلوم والثقافة‎

    • Avenue des F.A.R, Hay Ryad, PO Box 2275, PC Code 10104, Rabat, Morocco

    • ISESCO Regional Office in Sharjah, PO Box 24244, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
      ISESCO Regional Office in Tehran, 1-2 Kalantri Street, Sepahbod Gharani Ave., 15847, 14911 Tehran, Iran
      ISESCO Delegation to UNESCO, Bâtiment 7 Bonvin, B3.14 at 15. 1, rue Miollis 75532 Paris Cedex 15, France
      ISESCO Delegation to the Comoros, B.P.: 1368, Moroni, Comoros
  • isesco

  • Arabic
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Strengthen, promote, and consolidate cooperation among the Member States and consolidate it in the fields of education, science, culture and communication, as well as develop and upgrade these fields, within the framework of the civilisational reference of the Islamic world and in the light of the human Islamic values and ideals; consolidate understanding among peoples inside and outside the Member States and contribute to the achievement of world peace and security through various means, particularly through education, science, culture and communication; publicise the correct image of Islam and Islamic culture, promote dialogue among civilisations, cultures and religions, and work towards spreading the values of justice and peace along with the principles of freedom and human rights, in accordance with the Islamic civilisational perspective; encourage cultural interaction and to support the aspects of cultural diversity in the Member States, while preserving the cultural identity and protecting the independence of thought; consolidate complementarity and coordination among the specialised institutions of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the fields of education, science, culture and communication and among the Member States of ISESCO, and promote cooperation and partnership with the similar governmental and non-governmental institutions sharing the same interest, inside and outside the Member States; take further interest in Islamic culture, highlight its specificities and publicise its landmarks in intellectual studies, scientific researches and educational curricula; work for establishing complementarity and correlation among the educational systems of the Member States; support the efforts of the educational, scientific and cultural institutions for Muslims in non-Member States of ISESCO.


On 3 May 1982, the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) held its founding conference in Fez, the cultural capital of the Kingdom of Morocco, and elected His Excellency Professor Abdelhadi Boutaleb as its Director General.

IRD Activities

  • Culture and Communication Programmes

    The programmes' focus is set on cultural/religious exchange and cultural/religious diversity at the service of dialogue, peace and stability as well as culture and heritage as both a tool for social integration and an economic value. Furthermore, another priority is building the information and knowledge society redressing mutual stereotypes

  • ISESCO Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations

    ISESCO convened or contributed to a number of international symposia on the theme of dialogue among cultures and alliance of civilizations as well as among faiths and additionally endorsed the appointment of nine (9) Ambassadors of Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Azerbaijan - Jordan - Afghanistan - United Arab Emirates - Indonesia - Uganda - Iran - Pakistan - Bahrain - Brunei - Bangladesh - Benin - Burkina Faso - Tajikistan - Chad - Togo - Tunisia - Algeria - Djibouti - Saudi Arabia - Sudan - Suriname - Syria - Sierra Leone - Senegal - Somalia - Iraq - Oman - Gabon - Gambia - Guyana - Guinea - Guinea-Bissau - State of Palestine - Kazakhstan - Qatar - Comoros - Kyrgyzstan - Cameroon - Ivory Coast - Kuwait - Lebanon - Libya - Maldives - Mali - Malaysia - Egypt - Morocco - Mauritania - Niger - Nigeria - Yemen - Cairo, Egypt - Alexandria, Egypt - Amman, Jordan - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - Berlin, Germany - Rabat, Morocco - Tokyo, Japan - Tunis, Tunisia - Damascus, Syria - London, UK - Singapore, Singapore - Vaduz, Liechtenstein - Washington, DC, USA - Oslo, Norway - Warsaw, Poland - Chania, Greece - Paris, France - Beirut, Lebanon - Sanaa, Yemen - Kuwait City, Kuwait - Geneva, Switzerland - Nouakchott, Mauritania - Brussels, Belgium - Rome, Italy - Monaco, Monaco - Kazan, Russian Federation - Baku, Azerbaijan - Seville, Spain - Rhodes, Greece - Muscat, Oman - Isfahan, Iran - Strasbourg, France - Istanbul, Turkey - Fez, Morocco - Tetouan, Morocco - Ouazzane, Morocco - Lisbon, Portugal - Moscow, Russian Federation - Cordoba, Spain - Dakar, Senegal - New York, NY, USA - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Madrid, Spain - Barcelona, Spain - Antalya, Turkey - Bamako, Mali - Mecca, Saudi Arabia - Yala, Thailand - Marseille, France - Djibouti, Djibouti - Kairouan, Tunisia - Aachen, Germany - Tirana, Albania - Alicante, Spain - N'Djamena, Chad - Lille, France - Dushanbe, Tajikistan - Tehran, Iran - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Doha, Qatar - Aberdeen, UK - Cambridge, UK - Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil - Niamey, Niger - Kampala, Uganda - Khartoum, Sudan - Oran, Algeria - Hessen, Germany