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Presbyterian Church (USA)

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

  • Christianity (Presbyterian)

    • 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, KY 40202, USA
  • pcusa

  • English
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Follow Jesus and engage in the world and in seeking thoughtful solutions to the challenges of our time


In 1983, The United Presbyterian Foundation takes action to payout on a "total return" basis called a spending formula, the unrestricted endowments of the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Presbyterian Church in the United States and The United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America voted to reunite as the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

IRD Activities

  • Interfaith Dialogue

    The United Church of Christ from its beginning in 1957 has been a denomination committed to relationship and reconciliation. A “united and uniting” church, it has sought encounter with other Christians in an ongoing vocation to make visible the gift of unity that God gives the church. As a church committed to justice and the wholeness of all creation, the United Church of Christ has sought avenues of reconciliation among people whose relationships have been broken and called for healing for those whom society has pushed to the margins. As a church which testifies to the interrelationship of all of God’s creation, we know the mandate to care for the planet that provides us with shelter, sustenance, and beauty. For instance, Presbyterians around the country can take part in interfaith conversations through a new programme called Neighbor and Neighborhood-Presbyterian and Sikh Dialogues. Sponsored by the Presbyterian Mission Agency's Interfaith Relations Office, the programme is available to congregations and presbyteries nationwide. The programme consists of a "fishbowl conversation" in which Christine Hong, the Presbyterian Mission Agency's interfaith associate, and a Sikh colleague discusses faith and interfaith relations with programme participants. The programme starts with Hong and her colleague having what Hong calls "an intimate public conversation" about faith, with the conversation gradually expanding to include the other participants.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities
