34 organizations matching your criteria.

Religious Values

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

  • Christianity
  • Valores Religiosos

    • Paraguay 1343, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), Argentina.
  • valoresreligiosos

  • Spanish
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The goal of "Valores Religiosos is to promote transcend values, ecumenical dialogue and interreligious coexistence.


Valores Religioso began in Buenos Aires in 2002 with the aim of promoting transcending values, ecumenical dialogue and interreligious coexistence. Valores Religioso started off as a monthly supplement to the newspaper Clarin and was pioneered by priest Guillermo Marc� who presented the idea of Valores Religioso to Clarin's leadership. In 2005, Valores Religioso was added to the portal, and in 2007, it was released as an annual educational program on interreligious dialogue. With the aim of directing their proposal, Valores Religioso built a Civil Non-profit Association known as "Trabajar para la Caridad" which brings together laymen committed who are committed to their work under the leadership of Luis Crego. The first event of "Valores Religioso" began with a message provided by (then) Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, now, Pope Francis. Currently, Priest Marc� is the project's main adviser, and the journalist Mr. Sergio Rubin is the journalistic editor at Valores Religiosos.