34 organizations matching your criteria.

Standing Working Group on Religions

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

  • Grup de Treball Estable de Religions; Grupo de Trabajo Estable de Religiones

    • València 244, 1er pis, 08007, Barcelona, Spain
  • grupdereligions

  • Catalan, Spanish
  • Show


Promote awareness through a series of conferences, seminars, exchanges, and debates, to know the different religious expressions in our home; work with different religions and secular groups, bringing them together; attend and coordinate the requests coming from the different religious communities; exercise care about the city, especially about pain in the city, in order to create a citizenship with values, ​​with a decent human level; ensure prevention and contribute to the resolution of interreligious conflicts; become an information point and a benchmark for practical dialogue between religions; be attentive to the establishment of new religious communities in Catalonia and help them become part of Catalan society; advise public administrations on interreligious issues.


A few months before the celebration in Barcelona of the World Parliament of Religions, in spring 2004, some members of the most representative religions in Catalonia, Spain, became aware that interreligious relations are the responsibility of religions themselves.

IRD Activities

  • Interreligious Ibero-American Meetings

    In order to strengthen the visibility of the contribution of faith groups in the Ibero-American Summits, GTER and Religions for Peace Latin America & the Caribbean organise every year Interreligious Ibero-American Meetings in the framework of the Ibero-American Summits. Participants include members of the Latin America & the Caribbean Council of Religious Leaders, representatives of religious groups from the Iberian Peninsula, and authorities and officials from Religions for Peace, the GTER, the Ibero-American General Secretariat, and other cooperating entities. These meetings include plenary sessions, exhibitions, discussion panels, and open dialogues, oriented to look for innovative forms of association, cooperation and action

  • Prize on Coexistence and Interreligious Dialogue

    Recognition of initiatives undertaken by individuals, organisations, or institutions within the religious or interreligious fields, that promote respect, freedom of thought and a culture of peace based on exchange and coexistence

  • Interreligious Council

    This Council is composed of the GTER, which invites, at least once a year, the Buddhist Community of Spain, the Taoist Association, the Baha'i Community, the Mormons and the Sikhs. The purpose of this Council is, among others, to work for the good of society and its communities in all those aspects common to religious traditions. The Secretariat of the GTER is responsible for the coordination, the Secretariat and the spokesmanship of this Council

  • Prisons Commission

    It consists of members appointed by different religions to treat and take care of prisoners, to coordinate care activities carried out within prisons, to ensure the understanding of prisoners of different faiths, to defend the rights of religions, prisoners, and volunteers who provide religious assistance, and to make joint activities in cooperation with people from other religions

  • Mediation-Culture of Peace Commission

    This Commission is an interreligious group that aims to analyse and prevent conflicts. It has intervened in some municipalities, especially to solve problems between residents' associations, town councils and religious communities that wanted to open new places of worship.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Asunción, Paraguay - Barcelona, Spain - Panama City, Panama - Mexico City, Mexico - Spain - Spain - Spain - Spain