Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding
To promote mutual respect with practical programs that bridge religious difference and combat prejudice in schools, workplaces, health care settings and areas of armed conflict
Tanenbaum was founded at the end of 1992, following the untimely death of Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, a pioneer in interfaith dialogue and human rights. His widow, Dr. Georgette Bennett, family and friends came together to start an organization that would continue pursuing his vision
IRD Activities
- Workplace
Tanenbaum is the global leader tackling religious bias workplaces. With workplace diversity increasing across the U.S. and around the world, Tanenbaum provides proactive solutions to end workplace religious harassment and discrimination
- Education
For more than 20 years, Tanenbaum has expanded multicultural education to include religious diversity. Our practical tools help reduce and eliminate bullying and malice. Many Tanenbaum resources address or are aligned with academic learning standards (i.e., The Common Core )
- Health Care
Religion plays a major role in the decision-making of patients, but most medical professionals are not trained to address this when providing care. Tanenbaum trains doctors and nurses to understand how cultural competence and recognizing religion-based health decisions result in better patient-centered care
- Peacemakers in Action Network
The center of Tanenbaum‘s activist and academic work in conflict resolution/transformation, and peacebuilding. The Peacemakers sow the seeds of peace across global conflicts. And they count on us to provide them with support, resources, and a framework to connect with each other. At regularly scheduled Week-long Working Sessions, the Peacemakers from different religions, professional fields, countries and conflicts.Through Tanenbaum, Peacemakers come from different religions, cultures, professional fields, and regions to work together, share information, tools and resources through intense dialogue and exchanges. Many of the Peacemakers have worked in isolation and the Network provides opportunity for the Peacemakers to discover kindred spirits and knowledgeable colleagues. Some of the Peacemakers work specifically in IRD.
Main Focus Countries of Activities
World - World - USA - USA - Afghanistan - Nigeria, South Africa - Iraq - South Sudan - Philippines - Yemen - Sri Lanka - Indonesia - Democratic Republic of Congo - Uganda - Syria - Israel/ Palestine - Pakistan - Colombia - Iraq - West Papua - Ethiopia - El Salvador - Nigeria - Timor-Leste - Sierra Leone - UK - Bosnia and Herzegovina -