34 organizations matching your criteria.

The Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

  • Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le progrès de l'homme; Fundación Charles Léopold Mayer para el Progreso del Hombre; Charles Léopold Mayer Stiftung für den Fortschritt des Menschen

    • 38 rue Saint Sabin, 75011 Paris, France

    • Avenue Charles Dickens 6, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland
  • fph

  • English, French
  • Show


Integrate the lessons from past successes and failures to move forward; monitor the long term evolution of our societies; conceive new forms of governance; adopt common ethical principles; implement the transition toward more sustainable societies.


Founded 1982, as Foundation for the Progress of Humanity -- Fondation pour le progrès de l'homme -- Fundación para el Progreso del Hombre -- Stiftung fuer den Fortschritt des Menschen. Registered in accordance with Swiss Civil Code.

IRD Activities

  • Representation 'Principles et pratices for a fruitful inter-religious dialogue'

    The question of the treatment of religious conflicts is sensitive. Geopolitical, economic, social, ethnic, cultural issues are entangled and need to be treated simultaneously. And it is even more necessary in the new political and religious context born from the Arab revolutions. Therefore an inter-religious dialogue, between Christians and Muslims, in a Euro-Arab perspective is not only relevant but also urgent. Inter-religious dialogue is an important, although often very difficult task. Dogmatism weighs heavily within the major institutions and deepens ideological divisions and social tensions. The dialogue supported by the FPH seems very small in regard to the religious giants. Another reason to continue and to look for means to increase the impact of the innovative thinking carried by this network. The multi-actors dialogue approach -beyond the professionals of religion- rooted in civil society should be encouraged to rethink and revitalise the inter-religious dialogue.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Eastern Europe - Northern Europe - Southern Europe - Western Europe - Morocco - Egypt - Turkey - Algeria - Tunisia - Syria - Cyprus