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The Levant Foundation

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

    • JP Morgan Chase Tower, 600 Travis, Suite 6800, Houston, TX 77002, USA

    • Paris, France
      Washington, DC, USA
  • thelevantfoundation

  • English
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Cooperate with universities, institutions of fine art, and with religious and research institutions to sponsor and fund artistic, academic and educational programmes; commit to furthering of knowledge about Levantine culture and history in the Middle East, as well as the relationships among the three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.


Established by Jamal Daniel, founder, president and chairman of the Levant Foundation, in 1999 at Houston, Texas, the Levant Foundation is a private but nonprofit organization with commitment to spread awareness and further knowledge about the Middle Eastern religious culture and history.

IRD Activities

  • Funding and Co-Founding

    The financial commitment and support of The Levant Foundation helped launch the Swiss based Foundation for Interreligious and Intercultural Research and Dialogue (FIIRD) in 1999. FIIRD developed a programme with the University of Geneva in Switzerland to pursue its scholarly and humanistic goals with the main objective of fostering understanding of the three monotheistic religions, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. The first goal of the Foundation was to publish the three holy texts as a single set of books, to enable people everywhere not only to draw on the spiritual source of their own faith, but also to become better acquainted with the spiritual sources of their neighbors' faith. The second goal FIIRD was to create a post-doctoral programme at the University of Geneva in the field of interreligious and intercultural dialogue whereby several fellows, each possessing a PhD in theology, philosophy, history or other humanities and dedicated to further their knowledge and understanding of the monotheistic religions, participate in approved research and publish their results all done with the goal of searching for peace between the major Religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Geneva, Switzerland