34 organizations matching your criteria.

Union of Young Scientists and Specialists of Eurasia

  • Research Institutions

  • Союз Молодых Ученых и Специалистов Евразии

    • Radio ul. 22, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation

    • Vladimirskaya ul. 64, 01033 Kiev, Ukraine
      Nauchny gorodok-2, 420075 Kazan, Russian Federation
      Starorusskaya ul. 5/3, 191144 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
      Minsk, Belarus
  • eauyss

  • Russian
  • Show


Unite young scientists and specialists of Eurasia not through organisational and formal steps, but inviting them to united project teams to work together on real scientific projects.


In 2012, the establishment of the Union of Young Scientists and Specialists Eurasia was announced to combine the scientific youth in the Eurasian region based on the principles of networking and project management.

IRD Activities

  • Research Group 'Tolerance and Interreligious Dialogue in Eurasia'

    The main objectives of the group are ensuring coordination and methodological and information and analytical support of public authorities and stakeholders on issues of church-state relations and inter-religious dialogue, implementation of cultural and educational programmes in the field of harmonisation of inter-religious cooperation, understanding of the western experience in building constructive interreligious relations with the socio-cultural and ethnic and religious specificity of Russia, and the preparation and distribution of specialised scientific and analytical, information, teaching materials in the field of state-confessional, ethno-religious and inter-religious relations.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    Russian Federation - Ukraine - Armenia - Azerbaijan - Belarus - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Moldova - Tajikistan - Uzbekistan - Turkmenistan - Georgia - Estonia - Latvia - Lithuania