34 organizations matching your criteria.

Week of Muslim-Christian Meetings

  • Non- Governmental and Other Organisations

  • Semaine de Rencontres Islamo-Chrétiennes

    • GAIC, C/O Forum 104, 104, Rue de Vaugirard, 75006, Paris, France
  • semaineseric

  • English, French
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Contribute to the mutual respect of Christian and Muslim cultural and religious identities; overcome prejudices and clichés, which exist in both communities towards their opposite number; modify the way in which public opinions view both Christians and Muslims; create a network of friendly exchanges favouring greater warmth between Christian and Muslim communities and a more convivial environment in general; urge Christians and Muslims to form a partnership, together with other members of civil society, to further not only more conviviality but greater solidarity and a common stand for justice and peace.


In 1997, during a seminary organised by the GAIC (Group for Muslim-Christian Friendship) the idea of working to inaugurate a 'Yearly Week of Christian-Muslim Encounters' was put forward. After a preliminary study of the feasibility of the project in 1999, we inaugurated our first test-week at Evry in the year 2000. In the course of the following years, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, first trial run was expanded to include more than 100 towns where Christians and Muslims participated in a week of exchanges on various topics. In 2008, Christian and Muslims of 46 French towns, 14 European towns out of France and Algiers, participated in the yearly Week of Christian-Muslim Encounters.

IRD Activities

  • Week of Christian-Muslim Encounters

    Yearly week of intensive dialogue and exchanges on various topics between Christians and Muslims in order to contribute to the mutual respect of both cultural and religious identities, and to overcome prejudices and clichés which exist in both communities. This week is possible, thanks to the work of Christians and Muslims already actively engaged in exchanges, usually through their affiliation in social, political, or associative groups. Each local team chooses its own themes and form of presentation: open-houses, lectures and debates, round-tables, personal witnesses, activities aimed at young people, convivial meals, sports and cultural events, etc.

  • Main Focus Countries of Activities

    France - UK - Belgium - Netherlands - Finland - Germany - Spain - Poland - Italy - Switzerland - Sweden - Algeria - Democratic Republic of the Congo