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Amanda Figueras Fernandez

  • Islam
  • Spain
  • Female
  • Spain
  • Southern Europe
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

Executive Office Manager, Foro Abraham for Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue

Amanda is a journalist and writer who has worked for more than a decade at the Spanish newspaper El Mundo where she has achieved many successes. She is truly passionate about interfaith and intercultural dialogue and has worked with the Spanish association, Foro Abraham, for more than five years. Amanda was also a Fellow of the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), where she has remained an active member of the fellowship community and has previously been selected as a local project manager. In addition to her professional work as a journalist, she collaborates with associations, participating in events, and being active on social media – where collectively she has more than 13,000 followers – in order to foster dialogue, build bridges between different people and to fight against Islamophobia and hate speech. In 2018 she launched her book ‘Por qué el islam: mi vida como mujer, europea y musulmana’ (Why Islam: my life as a woman, European and Muslim).

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

Day Training – Interfaith Dialogue: learning to inspire

We held a training day to develop the participant’s skills on interfaith, intercultural, and intergenerational dialogue. The participants took part of a previous online cycle that I have co-created, organized, and facilitated in September 2021. That cycle was supported by a KAICIID’s microgrant. In the training day we explored ideas about the importance of dialogue, the anti-racist perspective, the win-win paradigm, inclusion in early ages and school, how dialogue plays a key role and what can we do. Participants had lunch with members in the field of IRD. The aim was to give them more education and inspire them to take local action.