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Dr. Angus McNeish Slater

  • Christianity
  • United Kingdom
  • Male
  • United Kingdom
  • Northern Europe
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

Lecturer in Christian Theology and Interfaith Studies, University of Wales Trinity St. David

Angus is currently a lecturer in Christian Theology and Interfaith Studies at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in Lampeter. His research interests are centred around theological considerations of authority and aesthetics within the Christian and Islamic traditions, including queer approaches to authority, the formation of identity and the role that aesthetics play in religious construction. His teaching work is centred around interfaith studies, particularly at the postgraduate and doctoral level. This arises from a commitment to understanding the nature of agreement and disagreement between religious traditions and connecting research concerns with practical and pragmatic approaches to interfaith dialogue. Recent activity includes speaking at the UK Department of Education on LGBT+ and faith issues, assisting the UNESCO Peace Conference on multifaith initiatives, and advising the Doctrinal Commission of the Church in Wales regarding religious same-sex marriage.

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

Multi-Faith and Inter-Faith Approaches to LGBT+ Activism
Given the problem identified in the proposal, this project aimed to bring together LGBT+ activist organisations operating within differing religious traditions on matters like same-sex marriage, conversion therapy, or social marginalisation of the LGBT+ community in order to provide a space to share insights and strategies between them. The project was a day long online conference and workshop for participants from LGBT+ activist organisations which facilitated the improvement of skills among activists and the improvement of networks amongst organisations working across religious boundaries.