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Dr. Yehuda Silverman

  • Judaism
  • Canada
  • Male
  • USA
  • North America
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

Faculty Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow, Ursuline College

Yehuda is the Faculty Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow at Ursuline College and he collaborates with the Office of Diversity to foster inclusion on campus. He is currently developing a course on Intrapersonal Peace and Conflict Prevention, which will include interreligious dialogue frameworks. Yehuda is an intercultural dialogue facilitator in coordination with Soliya and has facilitated courses such as “Communication and Identity in the Digital Age” and “Youth, Peace, and Security.” He also facilitates and mentors rising international social impact leaders in the Atlas Corps Virtual Leadership Institute. He has a PhD in conflict analysis and resolution, concentrating on international peace and his teaching and research interests focus on intrapersonal conflict to help prevent future calamities from occurring. He is a 2020 Initiatives of Change Community Trustbuilding Fellow, 2020 Teaching Human Rights Fellow, 2019 Kathryn Davis Fellow for Peace, and a 2018 UNAOC Fellow, which has seen him travel to Morocco, Egypt and Qatar under the theme of “fostering youth resilience to prevent violent extremism and build sustainable peace.” He subsequently co-authored the peacebuilding recommendations report which was presented to the UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth.

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

The Intersectionality of Bigotry: Understanding AAPI Hate and its Nexus to Antisemitism
The interreligious and intercultural dialogue initiative between the American Jewish community and the AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander)/Korean American Evangelical community, connected two partners together: the AJC (American Jewish Committee) and FACE (Faith and Community Empowerment) in Los Angeles, California, and also online. The dialogue hosted two recognized leaders: Richard Hirschhaut, Director of AJC Los Angeles, and Hyepin Im, President and Founder of FACE. During the online session, Saba Soomekh introduced and facilitated a dialogue between the two leaders, focusing on an heartfelt conversation about the Jewish and AAPI communities facing racism, hatred, increasing violent attacks, online hate speech, the model minority myth, the role of religious institutions in preventing and transforming prejudice, and how our communities can support and advocate for one another. During the online event, Yehuda Silverman monitored the Q&A chatroom and facilitated the Q&A segment between Richard and Hyepin. These questions focused on additional actions that the AAPI and Jewish communities could do to support one another, local resources in our communities to prevent, resolve, and transform racism, prejudice, and hatred, and additional opportunities where youth can become involved in supporting our communities.