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Elisabeth Palugyay

  • Christian
  • Germany
  • Female
  • Germany
  • Western Europe
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

Section head, migration and refugee aid, Austrian Red Cross Vienna

After having worked for the General Secretariat of the Austrian Red Cross in the Department for International Relations, Elisabeth Palugyay changed to the Viennese Office where she is heading the section of migration and refugee aid. Before coming to Vienna, she worked as project manager in Munich, where she also completed her studies of international law and political science. She later focused on the Near and Middle East, she spent time abroad in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. During her postgraduate studies at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, she focused on humanitarian law and the development of human rights. As a passionate traveler, her research has brought her to Ukraine, the Balkans, Armenia and India.

In her current position, Elisabeth is promoting interreligious dialogue as an essential part of intercultural integration projects and social inclusion and the core of mutual understanding and acceptance. By building up respectful communication, it is possible to learn about and from each other.

Her motto is: If you open your heart to learn and respect each other, the world will be your inspiration.

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

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Area of Actions:

Interreligious Dialogue