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Mariá Del Milagro Dallacaminá

  • Christianity
  • Argentina
  • Female
  • Argentina
  • Latin America and the Carribean (South America)
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

María del Milagro is an International Relations professional and Mediator and she is currently working in Community Mediation and in a Project against Human Trafficking. One of the main topics she is interested in, since she was at University, are human rights and its relation to interculturalism. In fact, her thesis title was: “The universality of human rights: a view from cultural diversity.”

She is from Salta, the north of Argentina and has lived in 9 different cities, including a rural area in Angola –working with children and youth, with the Salesians of Don Bosco- and the overpopulated Nairobi –studying Social Innovation at Amani Institute and working at Gatoto Primary School-. These and other local experiences helped her develop skills in teaching, training, active listening, empathy, and to have a deeper interest in interculturalism and peacebuilding.

She is an active member of the Work of Mary- Focolare Movement since 2008. She was a volunteer for two years, driven by the vision of unity and understanding between cultures and religions. The dialogue that the Movement promotes is founded on the spirituality and, in particular, on the central importance of love, following the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Mily truly believes in this vision and charisma, that Chiara Lubich–the foundress- transmitted them.

Maria used to say that she likes “building bridges, not walls”, not as an engineer, but as a mediator; building bridges between religions, people, countries, and cultures.

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

Building Bridges of Dialogue: An Ecumenical, Interreligious and Intercultural Trip 2017

Since in Argentina most of us are Catholics and many may have never entered a synagogue, a mosque or other temple; as we know little of other religions, and sometimes the knowledge we have is stereotyped, as shown by the media; as in the Focolare Movement we are called to dialogue with everyone, at 360°, the proposal is the realization of a “community trip” (about 20 people, mainly young), visiting communities and temples of other Christian churches, other religions and indigenous populations. It will be a training and deeply experiential trip, as an opportunity to learn about other religions/ beliefs by meeting people and communities. It will be a trip of 5 or 6 days, covering the northern argentinian provinces: Salta, Tucumán and/or Formosa. In the future this could also be replicated in other areas, where the Focolare Movement is present and take steps in IRD, such as: Montevideo (Uruguay)- Buenos Aires (Argentina) & Santiago de Chile (Chile)- Mendoza (Argentina).