34 organizations matching your criteria.

Mohamed Mahdi Abbadi al Husseini

  • Islam
  • Iraq
  • Male
  • Iraq
  • Western Asia
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

Muhammad Mahdi al-Husseini holds a master’s degree in historical and cultural studies and a Phd in religious history. He works in the Iraqi Ministry of Education and is a lecturer in religious studies at Imam Kazem University in Dhi Qar. He believes in the protection of diversity, interfaith and intercultural dialogue and peacebuilding. As a result, he leads and encourages discussions with students during lectures in the the Faculty of Islamic Sciences / Law Department at Imam Kazem College.

His slogan in life is the words of Imam Ali (peace be upon him): “People classify either your brother in religion or your counterpart in creation.”

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

Iraqis platform for peace منصة عراقيون للسلام

The Iraqis for Peace Initiative is an electronic platform that brings together a team consisting of several youth and people of diverse gender, religious and ethnic groups over the geographic area of Iraq
The general idea of it is to establish an electronic platform concerned with spreading the concepts of dialogue, accepting the differences, and rejecting hate speech, with the establishment of electronic seminars in which a number of specialists and clerics from various backgrounds provide lectures and training..

مبادرة عراقيون للسلام هي عبارة عن منصة الكترونية تجمع فريق مكون من عدة شباب وأشخاص متنوعين من حيث الجندر ومنتمين لعدة جماعات دينية وعرقية متنوعة على مساحة جغرافية العراق
الفكرة العامة لها هي تأسيس منصة الكترونية معنية بنشر مفاهيم الحوار وقبول الاخر المختلف ونبذ خطاب الكراهية مع أقامة ندوات الكترونية يحاضر فيها عدد من المختصين ورجال دين من خلفيات متنوعة .