34 organizations matching your criteria.

Muhammad Israr

  • Muslim
  • Pakistan
  • Male
  • Pakistan
  • South Asia
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

“Muhamaad Israr (Madani) holds a degree of religious studies from madrassa as well as MS in educational planning and management from University. He also studied “Religion & Culture Conflict” at Drew University, New Jersey, USA. He heads a think tank based in Islamabad by the name International Research Council for Religious Affairs since 2013. He promotes sectarian harmony in Pakistan and Afghanistan. He is also working on different democratic models, such as of Tunisia, Malaysia, and Indonesia to promote democratic values in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

He frequently organizes activities in the field of sectarian harmony, democratic pluralism and inter-religious dialogue. He has hosted programs on national and regional TV channels on a wide-range of topics such as religion and cultural conflict, inter-faith harmony, conflict transformation and culture of dialogue.”

His motto is ” Dialogue is inevitable for a peaceful world”.

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

Promotion and Dissemination of IRD Related Contents through Social Media

Area of Actions:

Interreligious Dialogue

Forms of Actions:

Information Distribution