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Mulyadi Liang

  • Confucianism
  • Indonesia
  • Male
  • Indonesia
  • South East Asia
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

Mulyadi Liang currently works as the Principal of Bright Kiddie Elementary School in Depok, West Java, Indonesia and is also the Head of Education of the Supreme Council of Confucian Religion in Indonesia. Among his experiences in interreligious dialogue are the following: in September 2003 he attended the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations International Conference in Thailand; the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Pacific Interreligious Dialogue in Phnom Penh, Cambodia in April 2008; the Asia-Europe Meeting in June 2008; the Fourth ASEM Interfaith Dialog in Amsterdam, the Netherlands; the Interfaith Dialogue Indonesia, USA and the Interfaith Dialogue of Religious Leaders in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2009; the Interreligious Leaders Summit in Jakarta, Indonesian in February 2018. He has also been active in interreligious dialogue with other organizations until now.

As a whole, Mulyadi aims to make all people live in peace and harmony, as he is always guided by the words of Confucius: “Within the four seas we are brothers and sister.”

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

Improve Relation and Understanding Among Islamic and Confucian Community Through Interreligious Dialog at Confucius Temple

The result and outcomes: 1. 40 alumni of interfaith dialog for peace, strengthening collaboration between Islam and Confucian youth. 2. The establishment new network. This community created a group in Whatsapp under the name Interfaith Dialogue Confucian and Islam Youth Additional achievements of this project are as follow: A. Based on participants responses, the one day training lead to the following conclusion: a. Most of participant said they learned a new things from the training, they have more knowledge about Confucian tradition. (Doctrine, belief, ritual and practices) and it help them understand the challenges and opportunities of the religious diversity as source of future collaboration to develop constructive direction toward more religious enggagement between Muslim and Confucian. b. Some participant admitted that by attending this training, subsequently change their prevailing attitude. Where some says they become more open toward the difference and learn how to overcome the negative stereotypes to bring peace and harmony in the society. c. Some participant admitted it was the first experience to have the one day interfaith dialogue in Confucian Temple, it open their mind about the prevalent negative stereotype of exclusiveness among Confucians. With all of the hospitalities of the Temple Foundation they found out that serving society as part or Confucian religious duties, diminishing B. Some participant admitted that the training was owesome as they meet new friends and have more close interaction with Confucians youth. C. Another achievement worth to mention here is the voluntary attitude of the participant and the partner host Confucian Temple Foundation in Taman Mini.