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Romdhane Barhoumi

  • Islam
  • Tunisia
  • Male
  • Tunisia
  • Northern Africa
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

Dr. Romdhane Barhoumi is a professor at the Higher Institute of Islamic Civilization at Zaytouna University, Tunisia. He holds a doctorate in “ISESCO and Strategies for Dialogue among Civilizations” from University of Zaytuna as well as a master’s degree in Islamic civilization.

Since 2006 he has been engaged in producing cultural and intellectual programs on Al-Kef Radio and Tunisia Cultural Radio. In addition, Dr. Bargoumi is the author of numerous articles for national newspapers and magazines including Morning, Echo,  Journalism (Cultural Papers), Journal of Cultural Life, and the Journal of Etaph. He is a member of the Research Unit of Speechology at the Higher Institute of Islamic Civilization, Tunisia, and a member of the Digital Arabic Society in Tunis.

He is an activist on social issues, human rights, women’s rights, dialogue among civilizations and citizenship.

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

A Book “Anthology of Dialogue Between Followers of Religions and Cultures”

It seems that the question of dialogue in the broadest circles of Arab societies does not transcend the linguistic contexts and sometimes it is confused with political uncertainty. I feel the need to build a theoretical reference to deepen the awareness of the values of dialogue in understanding other faiths, religions and cultures. We need to build an intellectual construction to get rid of the generalization and move beyond organizing conferences, scientific seminars, diplomatic meetings, etc.)