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Saeed Saud Almathami

  • Muslim
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Male
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Western Asia
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

Saeed Almathami is a social media expert from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He co-founded the organization, Advanced Specifications for Social Studies to furnish ideal solutions for societies and to assist the people to keep up with prevailing current international development.

In cooperation with the think tank Al-Aghar, he has been engaged in promoting a ‘knowledge society’ in Saudi Arabia through dialogue, and has conducted a number of studies on national, social and economic issues in Saudi Arabia. He is also voluntarily involved with a number of associations working to help sufferers of multiple sclerosis. Living in three different countries, he has been able to interact with, and learn from, a variety of different beliefs and cultures. He stands by the saying, “If you don’t respect the creation, respect the creator”.

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

A Yezidi Visit to Riyadh

Forms of Actions:
