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Stephanie Monka Gangale

  • Christianity
  • Central African Republic
  • Female
  • Central African Republic
  • Middle Africa
  • KAICIID Fellows

Biography Narrative

Stephanie Victoire Gangale Monka holds a bachelor´s degree in English literature and is working as project supervisor at the NGO Action for Population and Sustainable Development. She works with vulnerable people, female survivors of sexual violence, and young girls and boys on interreligious dialogue, social cohesion, and peaceful cohabitation.

Interreligious Activities and Initiatives

Involvement of women and Girls in interfaith dialogue in the Central African Republic
In summary, a 3-day training workshop was organized in favor of the women and girls of Mbaïki with the aim of sensitizing them for interfaith dialogue. In this training, 25 women and 25 girls took part. Several modules were given. among others social cohesion, interreligious dialogue, the role of religious leaders in the conflict resolution, peaceful resolution of the conflict, tolerance etc. The facilitators were the leaders of the religious platforms The 50 participants are divided into 3 groups: One group 20 participants and 2 groups of 15.3 rooms were taken for these training days. 3 participants and a facilitator did the interview, simulations and testimonials were given.During these trainings, the local authorities were present, some youth president, some presidents of women’s associations. During the workshop, the women learned a lot of things that they did not know and the latter They gave recommendations to KAICIID. For them, they appreciate the gesture that KAICIID has made. They have made a commitment to go all over Lobaye to sensitize the entire population on interfaith dialogue and have said so. They will forever be Agents of awareness and transformation for Mbaïki and the whole Lobaye. They hope that young men and men too will be trained so that they can together promote interreligious dialogue, live together and respect each other. , culture and freedom of religion