Statements for Peaceful Coexistence
The database of statements is a collection of statements published online made by religious leaders, religious institutions and interreligious organizations for peaceful coexistence, as well as against the use of violence in the name of religion. The statements are accessible through hyperlinks to publically available online sources and resources.
Note: The content displayed below is in chronological order of the date on which the statements were made or published
Cardinal Peter Turkson; Rabbi Rasson Arussi
29 Nov, 2016Promoting peace in the face of violence in the name of religion
Chief Rabbi David Lau ; Sheikh Raed Badir, head of the Southern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel; Dr. Maher Khuder Islamic court judge in the Gaza Strip and lecturer in Islamic Studies; Sheikh Imad Falouji, chairman of the Adam Center for Dialogue of Civilizations in Gaza, among others
18 Nov, 2016Joint declaration signed by Israeli and Palestinian religious leaders

Participants of the Forum “Leap of Faith: Religious Leaders Advance Justice, Peace, Security, Dialogue and Development in Africa” held in Abuja, Nigeria on November 10-11, 2016
10 Nov, 2016The Second AU-Interfaith Dialogue Forum Declaration
Pope Francis
02 Nov, 2016Address of his Holiness Pope Francis to Representative of Different Religions
Pope Francis
19 Sep, 2016Visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Assisi for the World Day of Prayer for Peace ” Thirst for Peace: Faiths and Cultures in Dialogue”
Pope Francis
29 Nov, 2015Apolistic Journey of His Holiness Pope Francis to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic