Statements for Peaceful Coexistence
The database of statements is a collection of statements published online made by religious leaders, religious institutions and interreligious organizations for peaceful coexistence, as well as against the use of violence in the name of religion. The statements are accessible through hyperlinks to publically available online sources and resources.
Note: The content displayed below is in chronological order of the date on which the statements were made or published
Pope Francis
24 Sep, 2015Apolistic Journey of His Holiness Pope Francis to Cuba, the United States of America and Visit to the United Nations Headquarters
الشيخ أسامة السيد الأزهري مستشار رئيس جمهورية مصر العربية، المشرف على مكتب رسالة الأزهري، عضو اللجنة العلمية لأبحاث مؤسسة طابة
29 Jun, 2015On the problem faced by scientists and officials, which is the multiplicity of resources to create extremism
Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia
24 Feb, 2015Final Communique of Global Conference: Islam and Counter Terrorism

High-level representatives of the major world religious and social institutions at the international conference “United against Violence in the Name of Religion: Supporting Religious and Cultural Diversity in Syria and Iraq”
18 Nov, 2014Vienna Declaration: United Against Violence in the Name of Religion
هيئة كبار العلماء
17 Sep, 2014Senior scholars confirmed that terrorism is a terrible crime, an injustice and an enemy of sharia law and nature in all its forms