Statements for Peaceful Coexistence
The database of statements is a collection of statements published online made by religious leaders, religious institutions and interreligious organizations for peaceful coexistence, as well as against the use of violence in the name of religion. The statements are accessible through hyperlinks to publically available online sources and resources.
Note: The content displayed below is in chronological order of the date on which the statements were made or published
Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia
17 Aug, 2014Mufti of the Kingdom calls for an executive plan to promote moderation
Organization of Islamic Cooperation: The Islamic State Has "Nothing To Do With Islam," Has Committed Crimes "That Cannot Be Tolerated."
24 Jul, 2014World’s top Muslim leaders condemn attacks on Iraqi Christians
Council of American-Islamic Relations
06 Jul, 2014CAIR Condemns ISIS Violence and Rejects Calls to Join Extremists Fighting Abroad
Highest religious leaders in France: Pasteur Claude Baty, président de la Fédération protestante de France; Rabbin Gilles Bernheim, grand Rabbin de France; Métropolite Emmanuel, président de l'Assemblée des Evêques orthodoxes de France; M. Mohammed Moussaoui, président du Conseil français du culte musulman; Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, président de la conférence des Evêques de France; Révérend Olivier Wang-Genh, président de l'Union bouddhiste de France
05 Jan, 2011Conférence des responsables de culte en France, Déclaration: « Nul ne peut se prévaloir des religions pour légitimer des violences »
Participants the World Conference on Dialogue and followers of the world religions and cultures
17 Jul, 2008The Madrid Declaration