Who is Who in Interreligious Dialogue
The KAICIID Who is Who in Interreligious Dialogue is an online directory of individuals active and expert in the field of IRD including religious leaders, policymakers, heads of international organizations, teachers, trainers and activists. Search the directory to connect with experts and specialists from every region engaged in a wide variety of initiatives.
Trustee, Gandhi Development Trust
Ela Gandhi is the granddaughter of Mohandas Gandhi, also known as 'Mahatma' (great soul) Gandhi, the man who famously led Indians to independence from their British colonizers in 1946. She was born in 1940 and grew up in the Phoenix Settlement, the first Ashram established by Mahatma Gandhi,...
Director, Faith in Society Ltd
Strategy Adviser, Faiths Forum for London
Executive Committee member, World Congress of Faiths
Trustee, St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace
Administrator, Inform (Information Network on Religious Movements)
As a career civil servant, Warwick advised successive British Governments on religious engagement for 18 years. In this role he devised and implemented numerous projects designed to encourage interreligious dialogue and social action. His portfolio also included neighbourhood empowerment through com...