34 organizations matching your criteria.

Who is Who in Interreligious Dialogue

The KAICIID Who is Who in Interreligious Dialogue is an online directory of individuals active and expert in the field of IRD including religious leaders, policymakers, heads of international organizations, teachers, trainers and activists.  Search the directory to connect with experts and specialists from every region engaged in a wide variety of initiatives.


Secretary and Scholar, Metropolis of Austria, Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

Since March 2012, Doz. Dr. Popović has been serving as Secretary of His Eminence the Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Dr. Arsenios (Kardamakis) of Austria (Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople). Dr. Popović has obtained the following academic qualifications: Doz. Mag. Dr. phil.; 2000: Mag. phil. w...

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