34 organizations matching your criteria.

Almanac of Cyclical IRD Events

The Almanac of Cyclical Interreligious Dialogue Events is an online planning and knowledge tool showcasing regular interreligious dialogue events held by organizations around the world, some of which also give international awards in interreligious dialogue. To find an event, organization or see what is happening in any given cycle, use the interactive sundial below or the search critieria further down.

Note: The content below is displayed with the most recent upload first

G20 Interfaith Forum

The G20 Interfaith Forum is a platform for raising the level and effectiveness of religious inputs and providing a sharp focus on values on global policy issues.

Each year the IF20 draws on a global network of interreligious groups to address all aspects of the G20 agenda. Launched in 2014, during Australia’s Presidency of the G20, the Forum has developed into a sustained alliance of diverse religious leaders, practitioners from humanitarian, peacebuilding, and development organizations; and scholars. 

The 2023 G20 Interfaith Forum, Partnerships in Action: towards “One Earth, One Family, One Future” took place from the 7-9th of May in the Baháʼí House of Worship, New Delhi. The event was hosted by the Baháʼí International Community, working in partnership with the Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities and the G20 Interfaith Forum Association.


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General Assembly of Asian Conference of Religions for Peace

Multi-religious cooperation for Peace is the hallmark of ACRP. This cooperation includes but also goes beyond dialogue and bears fruit in common concrete action. Through ACRP, diverse religious communities discern “deeply held and widely shared” moral concerns, such as transforming violent conflict, bringing about just and harmonious societies, advancing sustainable development goals, caring for the earth, promoting nuclear and conventional disarmament and protecting human rights. ACRP translates these shared moral concerns into concrete multi-religious action.

2020 marked the 50th anniversary of the First Assembly of Religions for Peace International, held in Kyoto Japan in 1970.  Asia Conference of Religions for Peace thus convened its 9th Assembly in Tokyo Japan from 19 to 22 October 2021 online. A postponement from 2020.  The central theme of the 2020/21 Asian Assembly was Asian Religious Communities in Action: Moving towards an Inclusive, Healthy, Prosperous, Peaceful Asia in developing an interfaith movement working for positive peace and shared well-being across Asia and the Pacific based on the national chapters with the objective to create formal links with key umbrella religious organizations, governments, key international and regional agencies and relevant research organizations in universities.

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Global Conference on World’s Religions

On September 15, 2016, the Global Conference on World’s Religions held its third and last edition. A Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the World’s Religions was subsequently unveiled by the drafting committee.

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Goldziher Prize Award

Rewarding journalists for excellence in the coverage of Muslim Americans by an individual or team of journalists based in the United States. The Goldziher Prize encourages work that complicates the narrative and offers us rich stories of Muslim Americans.

In 2023, Goldziher Prize judges and advisors nominated journalists anywhere in the world who shine a light on the struggles, diversity, and richness of Muslim communities outside of the U.S.

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Intercultural Achievement Award Ceremony

Contributing to global trust-building and peaceful co-existence through intercultural and interreligious dialogue initiatives marks one of three central goals of Austrian foreign cultural policy which defines the necessity for intercultural and interreligious dialogue. The “Intercultural Achievement Award” (IAA) is a key project of the intercultural dialogue. The award honours successful, innovative projects in the field of the intercultural dialogue, both in Austria and on a global scale. The award is open to all those who identify and make use of opportunities within intercultural communal life. It is also designed for those who have successfully explored new avenues within the intercultural dialogue, who have mastered a specific challenge through intercultural actions, and who have promoted the dialogue of cultures and religions through their media presence.



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International Association for the History of Religions

IAHR promotes the scientific study of religion assisting the international collaboration of all scholars, member and affiliate societies contributing to the historical, social, and comparative study of religion.

The IAHR World Congresses constitute milestones in the history of the IAHR and the international study of religion. In addition, the IAHR Special and Regional Conferences help promote and support the scientific study of religions in various countries and regions around the world.

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International Council of Christians and Jews, Annual Conference

The ICCJ serves as the umbrella organization of 40 national Jewish-Christian dialogue organisations world-wide.

The ICCJ member organizations world-wide have been successfully engaged in the historic renewal of Jewish-Christian relations over the past five decades. Founded as a reaction to the Holocaust, the Shoah, in the awareness that ways must be found to examine the deeply engrained roots of mistrust, hatred and fear that culminated in one of the worst evils in human history, theologians, historians and educators included the still fragile structure of enlightenment and the human rights movements of the inter-war period.

The ICCJ conference in June 2023 was held under the theme “Negotiating Multiple Identities: Implications for Interreligious Relations”(https://www.iccj.org/activities/conferences/iccj-conference-2023.html).

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INTRA Project Award for the Complementation of Religions

INTR°A was founded to advance the belief that the preservation, deepening and support of one’s own religious identity and spirituality can serve as the basis for an ongoing dialogue with other faiths.

The INTRA Project Award is given for advancing religious dialogue between equal partners, in an atmosphere which is free of exclusive claims to religious truth that devalue other faith communities, and in which all religious communities and individual believers are encouraged to ask what they are able to do in order to contribute to reconciliation, and how the ongoing interpretation and study of each group’s sacred texts can help in this task.


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ISESCO General Conference

The ISECO General Conference takes place every three years.  Under the patronage of H.E. Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the 13th session of the General Conference was held in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco, on 11-12 October 2018.

In May 2019 the Third Extraordinary Session of the ISESCO was conceved in King Abdullah Economic City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the presence of a number of Member States’ respective ministers of education, higher education, culture, and communication, or their representatives. The conference also saw the participation of the members of ISESCO Executive Council, several diplomatic, political and academic personalities, and representatives of a number of local and international media outlets.

Link to the final report of the Third Extraordinary Session https://www.isesco.org.ma/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/final-report-GCE2019-En.pdf

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Latin America and the Caribbean Council of Religious Leaders

The Religions for Peace – Latin America and the Caribbean (LAACRL), one of the regional interreligious councils of the global network Religions for Peace, holds regular regional meetings, bringing together the representatives of the main religious communities in the region.



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