Interfaith Calendars
The Interfaith Calendars resource is an online tool that provides links to selected interfaith calendars.
Note: The order of the content displayed belowe is based on how recent it is.

Inter Faith Network for the UK calendar of religious festivals
The Interfaith Network for the UK calendar of religious festivals harnesses the information on religious festivals from and with permission of the Shap Working Party on World Religions in Education, and is used here with permission (Shap and its calendars are also featured in this resource here). The Shap calendar of religious festivals was a first of its kind, and is produced in consultation with religious organizations each year.
Calendar of Religious Festivals – Interfaith Network for the UK

Religious Holidays and Festivals by Read the Spirit
Read the Spirit (RTS) offers an online calendar of religious and cultural observances. it also includes holidays observed in the USA and international organizations. The calendar is surrounded by other reading and articles through the website and a number of entries to the calendar enjoy a further link to a comprehensive description about the festive observance or links to books.
RTS is a “publishing company, an online magazine and a network of writers connecting readers with the most important voices in religion, spirituality, interfaith and cross-cultural issues. Read the Spirit strives for accuracy, balance and fairness. In an era when traditional newspapers, magazines and publishing houses are collapsing, Read the Spirit is growing in its rich array of media to help readers build healthy, diverse communities.”
Since their founding, Read the Spirit have sponsored the Religious Holidays & Festivals calendar and columns. RTS curates annual calendars. Read the Spirit write a selection of columns throughout the year going deeper into the meaning of many holidays and festivals. They are proudly committed and have thousands of readers around the world who visit the Holidays and Festivals coverage.
Read the Spirit Religious Holidays and Festivals Interfaith Calendar

Intercultural Calendar by the City of Vienna
Reflecting the rich diversity of the Viennese population, the City of Vienna hosts an intercultural calendar offering a overview of the most important festivals observed by its largest religious and ethnic groups. The calendar also includes Vienna’s traditional holidays and international commemoration days of the United Nations and other organizations without intending to be exhaustive. Each entry in the online calendar provides a short description of the festival, holiday or commemorative day highlighted.
A summary calendar is available for download as pdf in the German language.
Interreligious Calendar by the Ministry of Labor, Integration and Social Affairs of North-Rhine-Westphalia (Interreligiöser Kalender)
The calendar produced by The Ministry of Labor, Integration and Social Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia provides an overview of the festivals and feasts of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Alevites, Bahá’í, Buddhists, Hindus and ancient Oriental Christians,. It also gives explanations of the festivals and why the different religions celebrate these festivals. It is available for download in pdf and electronic format and in German language only.
Interreligiöser Kalender Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes NRW
Calendar of Religions by Agora Publishing (Calendrier Des Religions)
The Calendrier Des Religions by Agora Publishing is site allowing users to freely consult a calendar of the main civil and religious holidays (over the months or by tradition). It is even possible to subscribe to be informed of upcoming dates.
Religions for Peace Calendar by Religions for Peace- Italian Section
A bright and colorful interfaith calendar predominantly in Italian with beautiful photos, graphics, and descriptions.
Religious Calendar by the Pluralism Project-Harvard University
Given America’s new multireligious reality and the increased frequency with which people of different faiths interact, up-to-date information on the timing of religious holidays and festivals can be critical. Several calendar resources highlight religious holidays and festivals from many traditions. Featured is a multifaith calendar maintained by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Harvard Divinity School.

Calendar of Religious Festivals by the SHAP working party on World Religions in Education
The Shap e-Calendar of Religious Festivals is an invaluable resource for the teaching profession, students, businesses, chaplaincies, those in health sector and public services, to name but a few. It is recognised as the most accurate and most informative calendar. Their clients include the NHS, ministry of Justice, prisons, universities, chaplaincies, Lambeth Palace, Local Authorities as well as secondary and primary schools. The Shap calendar is used extensively in the UK but also across Europe.